Take time for you!

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Strength, courage and wisdom” is one of my favorite India Aire songs. I have this phrase written on my white board that is always in my sight when at my desk. This reminds me on a daily basis the qualities that strengthen me to reach my goals and to access my creativity and guidance in all that I do.

By teaching and practicing self-care, and handcrafting botanically based good for you body products and blending herbal teas, Green Valley Herbal provides the means for you to make your wellness a priority in your life.

Fully enjoying the moment with a cup of herbal tea, lovingly applying body lotion, and gently inhaling an aromatherapy mist are some of the ways to take time for you!

Check out our website to discover some tools to help you practice self-love. YOU are an amazing human being – cherish your life experience!

In health,
